Awhile back, Muzzle Up! asked you to send in questions about muzzles, muzzle safety, muzzle training, and anything else muzzle-related. Unfortunately, there’s a shortage of quality information on this topic, let alone an easy way to find answers to questions. With your support, our ongoing “Muzzle FAQ” series will bridge this information gap.

Here’s a selection from the first batch of questions we received. Thank you to everyone who sends us notes and participates in our Facebook community. Together, we can erase muzzle stigma, one dog at a time.
Q: “I loved the Paul Frank muzzle taping idea so much I bought a couple of rolls online…but ack! The tape is all peeling off…did you treat the Baskerville with something first?”
A: This question refers to our muzzle art project from earlier this year, in which we wrapped decorative duct tape around a Baskerville muzzle. The concept is still a work in progress, but luckily several Muzzle Up! supporters are giving it a try! Our one tip is to try keeping all loose ends of the tape wrapped up to prevent fraying and water damage.
Q: Where can we find more fun muzzles? Black is so boring.
A: Depending on where you live, there are various stores that sell colored muzzles. For those in the US, Baskerville sells a powder blue colored muzzle on Amazon (they discontinued the pink color, unfortunately). See our muzzle equipment guide for other retailers.
Q: A good pictorial on how a muzzle should fit (particularly for bully breeds) would be great.
A: Muzzles should allow a dog to pant, drink water, and exercise comfortably (see our graphic attached to this post.)
Each muzzle brand has specific sizing specifications. We have created a graphic that shows the basic measurements you should take before purchasing a muzzle.
The following are links to sizing information for two of the more popular brands:
Baskerville Ultra:
Q: How do you deal with the public when they see the muzzle and automatically think your dog is a biter? My dog has never bitten anyone but I know that people will see a so-called dangerous breed wearing a muzzle and jump to the conclusion that he is vicious. Also, does having your dog wear a muzzle effect your legal liability?
A: We created a blog awhile back that lists what many of our supporters say when facing questions about their dog in a muzzle.
Legal liability can vary depending on your region’s dangerous dog regulations. Check with your local police department for more information on dog bites and liability.
Q: Any tips for getting my dog to accept wearing a muzzle?
A: Training, training, training. Check out our website for videos and instructionson training your dog to be comfortable wearing a muzzle.
– Maureen Backman, MS, CTC
Maureen is the founder of The Muzzle Up! Project and owns Mutt About Town dog training in San Francisco, CA. Get in touch at [email protected].